Here, I hope to keep a running list of things I’m reading/watching, with short sentence summaries, explanations, or recommendations for each.
Purely Functional Data Structures (Chris Okasaki)
I read through chapter 3. This dissertation shows that it is possible to perform "amortized" runtime analysis on purely functional data structures if your langauge supports laziness and memoization. I found the first few chapters easy to follow and thought he did a great job of explaining amortized analysis (I had never understood it before). I followed along in OCaml (turns out there's a `Lazy` module you can import!) I started to lose steam on the purely functional "Bankers method"."Compositional" Compiler Correctness (Amal Ahmed)
I've been a fan of Amal's work for a long time, and I've long wanted to dig into some of it, but was always intimidated. This presentation is a very accessible overview of the challenges of proving things about compilers when you don't know a priori what they will be linked with.Types and Programming Languages (Benjamin Pierce)
This book is a pre-requisite to those who want to study programming languages at Northeastern. I got it for myself as a graduation present, and have been flipping through chapters at random ever since.Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach () - I've read diligently up to Chapter 4
Clean Code - I read entirely
Extreme Programming Explained - I read half of
Agile Principles -
Working Effectively With Legacy Code
Domain Driven Design in F# - I read in its entirety
Tiger Book (Appel)
Postgres Internals
[Programming as Theory Building](
[The Documentation System](
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman
Thinking Fast and Slow
Things I haven’t read, but would like to:
- The Pragmatic Programmer
- The Art of Computer Programming
- Black Book of OS
- on linking and loading
- The Little Typer
- The Dragon Book
- Peak: Secrets of the New Science of Expertise - recommended by a coworker
- Code