Matt Dailis

Matt Dailis

Engineering Applications Software Engineer

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory


I am a software developer at NASA JPL, where I work on mission planning software as well as support the Curiosity rover mission. My interests include programming language design and implementation, functional programming, human-computer interaction, and robotics.

I’m currently listening to:

  • Signals and Threads - Yaron Minsky is really great at explaining functional programming concepts, as well as general software engineering.
  • Corecursive - Adam Gordon Bell interviews an array of fascinating people from various walks of software.

Other blogs to read:

  • Joel on Software - Joel Spolsky, of Stack Overflow fame, has a lot of great stories and strong opinions about software.
  • Hillel Wayne - Hillel has a lot of introspective and philosophical thoughts on formal methods and how we teach programming.
  • Jonathan Castello - A friend of mine, conversations with whom have shaped my worldview on software and computer science.


  • Compilers
  • Linguistics
  • Human-robot interfaces
  • Data mining


  • BS/MS in Computer Science, 2020

    Northeastern University







Not so much



Engineering Applications Software Engineer

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Oct 2020 – Present Pasadena, California (working remotely)

Responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining ground software for a Mars rover
  • Performing analyses to diagnose and mitigate problems with the Curiosity rover
  • Developing a mission planning application for use on multiple missions, including Europa Clipper

Software Contractor

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Jul 2019 – Sep 2020 Pasadena, California

Responsibilities include:

  • Python development
  • Data Engineering and Visualization

Teaching Assistant

Northeastern University - CS 4410: Compiler Design

Jan 2019 – Apr 2019 Boston, Massachussets
Helped students implement a series of compilers of increasing complexity in OCaml, starting from arithmetic and working up to higher order functions and garbage collection

Full Stack Web Co-op

Optimus Ride

Jul 2018 – Dec 2018 Boston, Massachussets
Implemented a web app from the ground up to allow users to reserve rides in self-driving cars

Robotics Co-op

Piaggio Fast Forward

Jul 2018 – Dec 2018 Boston, Massachussets
Used the ROS framework to implement features for a two-wheeled cargo robot

Recent Posts

My intent for this website

I’d like a place where I can write down my thoughts and share them with others.