# Second Look :::{warning} This page is under construction. Please bear with us as we port our [Java tutorial](https://nasa-ammos.github.io/aerie-docs/tutorials/mission-modeling/introduction/) to python. ::: With our second activity and corresponding resources built, let's compile the model again and upload it into Aerie (if you forget how to do this, refer to the [Model Test Drive Page](2-model-test-drive) for simple instructions and references). Build a new plan off of the model you just uploaded, name your plan `Mission Plan 2`, and give it a duration of `1 day`. When you open this plan, you will see your two activity types appear in the left panel, which you can drag and drop onto the plan. Add two `change_mag_mode` activities and change the parameter of the first one to `HIGH_RATE`. Add a `collect_data` activity in between the two `change_mag_mode` activities and then simulate. You should now see our three resources populate with values in the timeline below. You'll notice that now the `recording_rate` resource starts at zero until the `mag_data_mode` changes to `HIGH_RATE`, which pops up the rate to `5 Mbps`. Then, the `collect_data` activity increases the rate by another `10` to `15 Mbps`, but immediately decreases after the end of the activity. Finally, the `mag_data_mode` changes to `LOW_RATE`, which takes the rate down to `0.5 Mbps` until the end of the plan. At this point, you can take the opportunity to play around with Aerie's [Timeline Editing](https://ammos.nasa.gov/aerie-docs/planning/timeline-editing/) capability to change the colors of activities or lines or put multiple resources onto one row. Try putting the `mag_data_mode` and `mag_data_rate` on the same row so you can easily see how the mode changes align with the rate changes and change the color of `mag_data_rate` to red. With these changes you should get something similar to the screenshot below ![Tutorial Plan 2](assets/Tutorial_Plan_2.png)