Discrete Event Simulation¶
Allow a mission model to express time-dependent state in a way that can be tracked and managed by the host system
Evaluate conditions whenever their dependencies change
Evaluate resources whenever their dependencies change
Allow for tasks to operate transactionally
Quality attributes:
Avoid wasted work - avoid computing the current state of a cell unless it is queried
Minimize needless allocations - Cells should be mutable and not require duplication on every step
The Theory¶
The merlin concept of a “Cell” implements a more generic simulation concept called a “State Variable”. Traditionally, every state variable in a simulation is given an initial value, and it keeps that value until an event is emitted that changes that value. Put another way, the value of a State Variable at time t
can be computed by some function f : Value x History -> Value
, where the first Value
is the initial value, and History
is the list of events that have occurred before time t
This function f
should have the following property: for all partitions of History
into a prefix
and a suffix
, f(f(initial, prefix), suffix) = f(initial, prefix + suffix).
To paraphrase, as time moves forward, we should be able to “forget” both the initial value and the prefix once we’ve applied f
to it.
There are two additional enhancements we add to this formulation:
continuous evolution, borrowed from Hybrid systems
concurrent events (TODO)
Continuous evolution means that the value of a State Variable can change even in the absence of any events. This requires some separation between the dynamics of a State Variable and its value. The dynamics describes the future evolution of the State Variable, while its value describes its current state.
Concurrent events exist to model two phenomena:
Two or more independent tasks are scheduled to act at the same time, and we’d like to avoid arbitrarily serializing their actions
A single task spawns another to run in parallel, and again we’d like to avoid arbitrary choices regarding in what order the parent and child perform their actions.
In order to enable tasks to have read-your-writes semantics, we introduce the notion of a task step with certain transactional guarantees.
Further reading: